
Type of information Information
Company name Limited liability company KWIKPAY
Legal address 127473, Moscow, st. Suvorovskaya Square, 1/52, building 2
Number and date of the certificate of state registration of the legal entity number: 1197746030734
date: 24.01.2019
TIN/CPP Certificate Number and Date number: 7714437215 / 771401001
date: 30.08.2023
Mailing address 127473, Moscow, st. Suvorovskaya Square, 1/52, building 2
Phone +7 (495) 198 55 55
Email address
Site address
CEO Mindrin Yuri Evgenievich
Settlement account No.40701810800110000068 in "ZHIVAGO BANK"
(LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY), (cor. account No. 30101810700000000744, BIC 046126744)
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